
While in teacher mode, additional ancillary features can be accessed by tapping the More tab.


You can access this online manual by tapping on the “Manual” button.

Barcode Labels

If you have books that do not have barcodes, we offer barcode labels for purchase in the U.S.


To send us an email with a support question or comment, simply press the “Support” button to bring up an email composition interface. The email will be pre-populated with a few device details that we can use to help provide better support. Add your question or comment to body of the email and hit “Send.” We will usually get back to you within 24 hours.


If you would like to share a rating or review for Literacy Leveler in the App Store, tap the “Rate” button and you will be taken to the Literacy Leveler app page in the appropriate store.

Share Cover Art

You can opt to share cover art you have added for books in My Library. To do so, enable “Share Cover Art” and new any covers added will be uploaded for consideration for inclusion in the cover art database.

Note that any cover art images shared become property of FikesFarm, LLC.